Pigments & Auxiliaries

  1. High tinctorial value thermo stable 32 different shade of Neon dyes (FLOROSCENT PIGMENTS) GOTS 6.0 APproved and ZDHC regsitered
  1. Pigment dyes which loose its Color in sunlight & regain in Cooler temp
Ultra Gel SSD
  1. Dyes which gain its intensity ONLY in sunlight (UV light) and disappear in shade
Bipoler Dyes
  1. Pigment dyes with two diff shade at diff temp profile
Fixer PGN
  1. Pigment Fixer
  1. Best solution for Uniform and sharp Prints, ensures no choking even in reactive prints
Reacto USR 1000
  1. Urea replacement for Printing of textiles